I'm just going to keep knocking these magical armors out, one right after the other. My goal is to have them all done before the holidays and I've got about three posts-worth left. I realized that some of these items are not in the right order alphabetically, but I'll rearrange them when I put all of my magic items together in one document. I'd love to hear what you think of them in the comments below!
Here are the previous twenty items, Part V.
Up next is Part VII.
Here are the previous twenty items, Part V.
Glamoured 2500
Glamoured armor can change both its own appearance and that of its wearer. As a free action, the armor can be made to look like any piece of clothing and the wearer can change their appearance to any type of humanoid within 1 ft. of height and 50 lbs of their normal attributes. If the wearer is trying to copy a specific set of clothes or humanoid, they must make a disguise check with advantage to determine how closely their appearance matches the original.
Glamoured Studded Leather 500
This magical studded leather can be magically altered on a whim into three other forms: noble’s dress, pauper’s rags, or a set of normal clothes. The leather still provides its full armor bonus in any form.
Glass 2000
Glass armors are normal armors with brittle, magically conductive glass plate insets. This brittleness means that they have a higher chance of breaking, reducing their quality by 1. Touch or ranged touch spells are drawn towards the glass plates, imposing a -1 penalty on the wearer’s saving throw. On a successful save against a targeted magical effect, the glass plates redirect the spell’s energies away from where they would cause the most harm, reducing the damage of the effect by half. Medium armors cost twice as much to outfit with glass plates and heavy armors cost triple.
Gold 3000
Gold alloyed armor is as strong as steel, although slightly heavier. Loosely bonded to the alloyed metal interwoven wires of gold. By channeling harmful magics away from vital points, the gold reduces magical damage by 6 and the duration of a hostile spells by ¾. Medium armors cost twice as much to outfit with gold alloy and wire. Heavy armors cost three times as much. Only metal armors can be outfitted with gold.
Golden Fleece 20000
The Golden Fleece is a fluffy wool, +3, golden-cloth armor that functions as a chain shirt. Once each lunar cycle, the armor will instantly revive its wearer after death. They are restored whole and well rested on the round following their demise. In order to benefit from this revival, the armor must have been attuned to the wearer and only to the wearer since the last full moon.
Greater Projectile Trapping 10000
A tiny charge permeates the outer surface of this armor or shield, such that small objects momentarily stick to the armor before falling to the ground. The wearer can use a reaction to trap a projectile launched at a target within 5 ft of the wearer. The trapped projectile is caught harmlessly and may be reused. The wearer gains a free reaction each round to be used in this manner.
Greater Magic Trapping 20000
With a reaction, the wearer can trap a spell targeting them. They make their save with advantage and with a +2 bonus. If both saves are successful, the spell is captured by the armor or shield instead of affecting the wearer. Magic Trapping can store up to nine spell levels at a time. Stored spell levels can be used to replenish spells or spell-like abilities by expending an amount of levels equal to the restored spell. Attempting to store more levels than the enchantment causes magical feedback, dealing 1 damage to the wearer each round for each extra spell level stored above the normal maximum. The wearer gains a free reaction each round to be used in this manner.Greater Spell Storing 40000
Deep, silver runes cover the right forearm of Greater Spell Storing armor or the inside face of a shield. The wearer can store up to 20 levels of spells in these runes that can be recalled later to replenish an expended spell slot, spell, or spell-like ability. Storing a spell in the armor counts as casting the spell, but is done as a move action. Using spell levels to restore spell energies is a free action. Spell levels above the normal maximum can be stored, but magical feedback from the runes deals damage to the wearer when those spell levels are retrieved. The magical feedback burns the wearer for damage equal to the spell level restored times the number of levels that exceeded the normal maximum.
Grindstone Chain 15000
This +2 chain mail is woven of layers upon layers of small, connected, stone rings hanging around a large stone wheel fitted on the wearer’s neck. When donned or removed, the wheel becomes malleable enough to squeeze into our out of. Attackers will quickly find themselves worn down after attacking the Grindstone Chain. On each successful attack, the attacker must make a CON save (DC 12) or suffer a level of exhaustion. This magical exhaustion grinds on the joints, muscles, and energies of creatures normally immune to exhaustion, while magical protection against exhaustion counters this magical curse.
Halo 5000
The Halo is a well polished steel breastplate conferring a +1 magical bonus to armor class and +5 maximum hit points. In many regions divinity is correlated with bodily health; the healthy, glowing appearance of Halo wearers were enough to cement this armor’s rumored connection to holiness.
Heated 4000
Fine, black dust coats every surface of this armor. When struck by an attacker within 5 ft, the armor sparks and the black soot catches fire momentarily, dealing 1d6 fire damage to that attacker.
Hive Home 3000
Small holes and bumps polka-dot this +1 hide armor made of thick-cut cow leather. When the wearer is struck in combat, 1d4 hornets crawl out from a of the few holes and buzz around the armor. With a mental command, hornets will dive bomb a target within 30 ft., stinging them for 1 poison damage each. This attack automatically hits, excepting any magical interference, but is fatal for the hornets. If there are more than 5 hornets at the end of combat, the extra hornets land and crawl back into their tiny hives with a buzz.
Honorbound 8000
Honorbound armor is a +1 breastplate equivalent armor made of tightly woven bamboo splints. Thick, protruding shoulder pauldrons carry small sticks of burning incense and a dangling, red-wax stamped scroll. Upon the aged, yellowing paper is written the name of every person that the armor has been sworn to protect. When called upon, the armor will add a new creature’s name to the top of the list, and as long as that creature is within 10 ft, the armor can redirect any attack against the protected creature to the wearer of the armor. If the creature takes damage, such as when the Honorbound armor moves more than 10 ft away or the wearer chooses not to protect their charge, the armor’s magic is dispelled until the wearer makes a personal sacrifice for a stranger or completes a quest for an authority figure. The wearer can swear to protect a different creature or remove their protection at any time so long as no hostile creatures are present.
Hovering 12000
Translucent bat, bird, or insect wings flutter slowly on the back of this enchanted armor. The wearer can hover at will. While hovering, they can move horizontally up to their normal movement speed but cannot jump while doing so.
Immovable Armor 14000
This +1 steel plate mail is covered in straight-lined, deep red, adamantine rivets. With a mental command, the armor becomes immovable. The armor cannot be moved by anything less than 5 tons of weight or a strength check of DC 30, which will cause the mail to spark and fail for 1 minute before it can become immovable again. Limbs can be made immovable individually, but the joints and bones of the wearer are not immovable when doing so.
Interlocking 600
Shields with this ability are meant to lock together. They have clasps, chains, and hooks along their edges. When next to another interlocking shield, the two will attempt to link together. An interlocking shield gets a +1 bonus to its base armor class for each other interlocking shield in the same formation or next to it, maximum +2.
Intimidating 1500
The last part of the ritual to make an Intimidating armor or shield requires painting a scowling visage on the armor with the blood of the creature the enchanter fears most. The wearer of this armor gains resistance to intimidation damage and the penalty for making an intimidation attack is reduced to only a -1 penalty to attack.
The Intimidating enchantment uses one of my house rules, Better Battle Tactics, for unifying intimidation under the normal damage rules of D&D. Or go directly to my House Rules document.
Ivory 2000
Ivory must be alchemically treated and pinned with lead rivets to be as strong as iron armors while keeping ivory’s innate properties for channeling good magic. Healing spells cast on the wearer heal 1 additional hit point per healing die and non-harmful spells last 10% longer. Medium armors constructed of ivory cost twice as much while heavy armors cost three times as much.
Lesser Magic Trapping 2000
With a reaction, the wearer can trap a spell targeting them. They make their save with advantage. If both saves are successful, the spell is captured by the armor or shield instead of affecting the wearer. Lesser Magic Trapping can store up to one spell level at a time. Stored spell levels can be used to replenish spells or spell-like abilities by expending an amount of levels equal to the restored spell. Attempting to store more levels than the enchantment can hold causes it to overflow with arcane magic, dealing 1d4 damage to the wearer for each extra spell level.
Lesser Projectile Trapping 800
When targeted by a single projectile no heavier than 10 lbs, the wearer can spend a reaction to catch it. The projectile is caught harmlessly in the armor or shield and does no damage. It can be reused if appropriate.
Lesser Spell Storing 4000
A few, sloppy silver runes are scrawled into the right forearm of Lesser Spell Storing armor or the inside face of a Lesser Spell Storing shield. The wearer can store up to 3 levels of spells in these runes that can be recalled later to replenish an expended spell slot, spell, or spell-like ability. The wearer may store a spell in the armor by casting it into the armor, but any extra spell levels over the limit are dispersed uselessly into the ambient magic of the world. Using spell levels from the armor to restore spell energies is a free action.Up next is Part VII.
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