Hog's Bog's Bugs (Part II)

This is a continuation of my rough-ish draft for Tenkar's Landing. Go see Part I here. I will wrap up the hex with Part III where I will post the maps for the specific locations in the hex. (Edit: Just kidding, it became a four part series. Part IV)

Hog’s Bog

Named for the plentiful and large swine, this bog was once home to a thriving hamlet and a plantation known for its tobacco and hogs. It was abandoned as the bog started to expand. Large, predatory insects made the area inhospitable. It is a temperate bogland, with thick brush, tall trees, hanging lichen, and intermittent patches of drier land. The bog floods regularly during the spring but is drier in the fall.
Evil energy from both the Ruins of Azagath and the Tomb of the Damned has seeped into the bog here, trapped like flotsam and jetsam. A Thri-Kreen demi-lich is taking advantage of the foul energies to grow the bog for the benefit of insect kind and her own ego.

Random encounters. D20. Encounters get more frequent as you stir up the bog. Increase the frequency of encounter checks as the party has more encounters. Players may reset this by getting covered in mud and hiding for 1d3 hours.  The Muddy Keep is the only thing worth finding out there. Going around a hazard or monster wastes time.
1: Roll twice and combine those results.
2-5: It was just bog noises. Getting a little jumpy? It’s just splashing water, bubbles, a stench, a snapped twig, a distant howl, or a breeze.
6: Animal Exodus. Green slime. Methane fires. Madness. Heavy rains. Migration. Hungry. Players have 1 turn to diagnose and prepare.
7: Myconid Missionaries. The bog is too bad, even for these fun guys. Two Fungal Druids request help spreading their tribe’s spores to new lands, and will become allies if helped. Later, they will repeat their request if it was refused or offer some healing if it wasn’t.
8: Swamp beast! Mud Elemental, Cockatrice, Big Snake, Big Croc, Swamp monster, or a Dire Hog.
9: Insects. An insect swarm or 1d4 +1 giant insects are on the hunt. Ants, centipedes, nightshade moths, spiders, wasps, or worms.
10: Quickmuck. The first two rows of players must pass difficult perception checks (DC 18) to avoid the muck or get stuck until freed. Check for an encounter each round until all players are freed with a moderate strength check (DC 13). Announce as ‘bubbles’ from 2-5.
11: What is this doing here? A doll, dress, half whittled flute with a knife, or some other innocuous household item lies on the ground. 3/6 chance it has a ghost attached to it that haunts the first player that picks it up. Half the ghosts are helpful and will answer one question in return for being buried in the Hogstock graveyard with their family, the other half inflict a curse, -2 to all rolls, which can be removed by a remove curse spell or by burning the object in the Hogstock graveyard.
12: Plague. A few dead bodies are strewn about in a stagnant pool. There is a noticeable increase in flies and stench. Contact with the water exposes players to disease. 2/6 Bodies have minor treasure on them. Announce as ‘stench’ from result 2-5.
13: The Swarm. 1d4+1 insect swarms attack. Roll for type for each one. Ant, centipedes, nightshade moth,  spiders, or wasp.
14: Berries! Find a small patch of berries. Red-Starred, Purple-Green, White (poisonous), Pink-White, Blue, and Black-Striped-Purple (non-poisonous). Poisonous berries require a save or be poisoned for 4 hours. Red-Starred berries are also hallucinogenic, and give the player a vision. The player gives a three word phrase that the DM will have come true in some way. Non-poisonous berries are worth a single ration. One ration of Black-Striped-Purple berries also restore one HD when eaten.
15: Piranhas.  The swarm will attack any creature that enters the water. Bait them or go around. Announce as ‘splashing water’ from 2-5.
16: Demonic Dire Centipede Stalker. It waits until they are distracted  to attack. Announce as ‘a snapped twig’ from result 2-5.
17: Infested Hog. A demonic wasp swarm are using an undead hog as a mobile hive.
18: Wierd Bugs. Insects are moving in helical patterns on the next 1d6+1 dry areas of land. See result 13 if they are disturbed.
19: Chest in the Mud. It takes time to dig out, check for an encounter. 3/6 it is useless or rotten stuff; otherwise, roll for random treasure.
20: The MUDDY KEEP or 10% the party stumbles on a secret entrance to the Fell Hive.

Specific Locations

The Muddy Keep: This squat, angular fort is a crumbling, lichen-and-mud-covered, simple, two-floor keep with a basement. It was built by a hedge wizard in years past and still has some leftover equipment and furniture. It is now inhabited by demonic insects.

The Fell Hive: Connecting to the surface in the Muddy Fort’s basement and to a few secret places in the nearby bog, this extensive underground hive is constructed of many long, twisting tunnels and a handful of larger caverns. The queen of the hive is a Thri-Keen Demi-Lich. The Queen is set on expanding the bog, her hive, and her own power. Insects patrol this hive regularly. The hallways are winding, confusing and often trapped.

Hog’s Bog Bestiary
Monsters are listed in a quick format.
HD: How much HP it hould have (1d8 or 5 for each HD) with the +/- following it to indicate how it attacks (HD 5+1 attacks like a 6 HD creature, i.e. it has a +1 to attack and damage but only has 5 HD).
ATK: What attacks it has (it will make all of those attacks as one multi-attack unless otherwise specified).
DAM: Damage for each attack.
MOV: Movement speeds (burrow is shortened to BRW).
SAV: What the creature has saves are like (level 1 fighter, level 3 cleric, etc).
Morale: How likely it will flee when things go poorly. Roll 2d6, if over the morale number, the monster flees.

Animal Exodus: The trap-like nature of these encounters is meant to give the players some sort of warning that they can investigate and prepare for. The solutions are suggestive not exhaustive, any reasonable solution should work. If they ignore the warning signs, they won't have time to prepare.
Green slime: Green slime turns organic matter into more green slime, spreading like an oozing green wild fire in the overcast and foggy bog. Bright green slime consumes animals as they run. The party dies unless they run, get underwater, or start a big fire. (Idea shamelessly stolen from goblinpunch)

Methane fires: Gas buildup on the floor of the bog leads some areas to have continuous flames that occasionally flare up. Singed animals bring glowing sparks to the sitting methane in this part of the bog. One random party member takes a moderate amount of fire damage, DEX save for half damage.

Madness: Animals have gotten some disease or been hit with a fear spell. The animals are running in a tight group right for the players. Each player must DEX save or take a moderate amount of damage from being trampled.

Heavy rains: A rolling downpour has animals scurrying for cover. Rain soaks the players through and ruins equipment if the players don’t seek cover.

Migration: Animals are migrating out of the swamp in a loose group, with predators following them. This is a good opportunity for hunting if the players are prepared.

Hungry: Half starved predators and scavengers circle the party. They can be distracted by scattering 2d6 rations, otherwise, the entire party takes minor damage in fighting them off. 

Big Snake: HD 3+3, L, AC 14, ATK 2* (Bite, Constrict) DAM 1d8/2d6, MV 30’**, SAV F2, MORALE 7. *On a successful bite attack, the target is grappled and will take constrict damage each round until freed. **Snakes have incredible camouflage and get advantage on stealth checks.

Big Croc: HD 5+3, H, AC 18, ATK 2* (Bite, Swallow) DAM 2d6/4d6, MV 20’/Swim 60’, SAV F5, MORALE 8. *On a succesful bite attack against a Medium sized target or smaller, the Croc makes a grapple check to attempt to swallow the target. If succesful, the target takes 2d6 bludgeonging and 2d6 acid damage each round until they cut their way out by doing 15 points of damage.

Cockatrice: A creature that resembles a large rooster from a distance reveals itself to be much more monstrous up close. Along the neck and underside of the flightless bird, brown and green scales are where feathers should be. Its eyes bulge from their sockets and are bright ochre in color. It’s beak and talons are a sickly grey-green color and are covered in gravel. They hunt for living prey to turn to stone with their beaks and talons, as their diet consists entirely of petrified creatures that it pecks apart into small stones to digest. Usually lone hunters, Cockatrice may join together if sufficiently hungry or if large predators threaten multiple cockatrice.
Cockatrice: HD 2+2, S, AC 13, ATK 2 (Beak, Talon) DAM 1d6/1d4*, MV 30’, SAV F2, MORALE 7. *A cockatrices attacks carry a nasty disease that turns creatures to stone. Make an easy CON save on being hit or drop to 0 ft movement speed and be force to make a second easy CON save at the beginnning of the next turn.  or be turned to stone permanently.

Demonic: Insects instilled with demonic essence. Their normal coloration turns dark red or purple and they gain infernal symbols across their wings, thorax, or head. Demonic insects have 50% more HD than normal, have a +2 bonus to attack and damage, and have resistance to magic.
Dire Hog: Occasionally, a half-boar piglet will be born or a hog will simply become very aggressive. They are shunned by their pack and become ferocious loners. Their hide is mangy and scarred, while their tusks are long, dyed a dark red-brown.

Dire Centipede: An absolutely huge versions and monstrous centipede. They are aggressive loners and dangerously hungry at all times. They may spend their reaction to attack any creature that enters their reach. They gain an extra reaction action.

Dire Centipede: HD 9+1, H, AC 18, ATK 1 (Pinchers x2) DAM 2d8, MOV 50’/BRW 20’, SAV F8, MORALE 12

Dire Hog: HD 6+2, H, AC 16, ATK 3* (Tusk, Slam, Hoof) DAM 1d10,1d10, 1d6. MV 50’**, SAV as F5, MORALE 12 (berserk) *Trample: On a charge attack, if the Dire Hog hits with its slam attack, the target is knocked prone and subject to a hoof attack. **On its first successful trample attack in a turn, the Dire Hog gets a free move and attack as it goes into a frenzy.

Fungal Druid: Like a druid but instead of plant and animal based spells, it is all just fungus and weird fungal animal versions of normal animals. Their wild shape lets them turn into a cloud of spores, to escape, poison enemies, or heal allies. Their animal companion is replaced with fungal growths on their bodies that do cool stuff.
Fungal Druid: DRD 5, S, AC 16, ATK 1* (Quarterstaff), DAM 1d6, MV 20’, SAV CL 5, MORALE 8. *Casts spells as a 5th level druid. Prepared spells are fungus themed versions of druid spells with damage types replaced with poison damage: Fungal Growth (Spike Growth), Call Poison Cloud (Call Lightning), Inflict Wounds, Truffle (Good Berry)

Giant Ant: HD 3+1, S, AC 13, ATK 1* (Pinchers) DAM 1d6, MOV 20’/BRW 5’, SAV F1, MORALE 9. *Giant Ants get +1 to attack and damage for each other giant ant within 5 ft of the target.

Giant Centipede: HD 5+1, M, AC 16, ATK 1 (Bite) DAM 2d6, MOV 60’/BRW 10’, SAV F4, MORALE 9

Giant Nightshade Moth: HD 2+1, S, AC 12, ATK 1 (Dust) DAM 0*, MOV 5’/Fly 30’, SAV F1, MORALE 6.

*Dust hits all within 10 ft. 1d6 poison damage. Make a tough CON save (DC 15) or fall asleep for 1d6 rounds.

Giant Spider: HD 2+3, S, AC 15, ATK 1 (Bite) DAM 1d6 + Poison*, MOV 40’**/Climb 40’, SAV F2, MORALE 7. *Moderate CON save (DC 14) or take ongoing 2d6 poison damage until a successful save is made. **Made jump up to twice their move speed and make a single bite attack.

Giant Wasp: HD 1+3, S, AC 13, ATK 1 (Sting) DAM 2d6 + Poison*, MOV 5’/Fly 40’, SAV F1, MORALE 12. *Make a tough CON save (DC 17) or take 2d6 poison damage. A wasp takes 5 damage when it hits with a sting attack.

Giant Worm: HD 6-1, M, AC 16, ATK 1 (Bite) DAM 1d6, MOV 10’/BRW 20’, SAV F2, MORALE 8.

Infested: A once living creature that is now being used as a mobile hive by demonic insects. Modify the original creature by doubling its hit points, giving it regeneration 5, and having it deal double damage against enemies within the swarm. The internal insects repair and rebuild the creature, crawling around under the creatures skin. It always has an accompanying swarm of insects. When the swarm is reduced to half its HP, it will return to the hive and regenerate to full hit points in one round. While the swarm is regenerating, the host loses its regeneration and takes no actions.

Mud elemental: A half-breed of earth and water elemental, the mud elemental is a creature of muck, ooze, detritus, and slime. The oozey creature strongly prefers wet and dirt, with larger elementals going so far as to dam streams or clog rivers to spread swampland. They have a strong dislike for clean places or creatures, such creatures are like nails on a chalkboard and will drive them into a frenzy. Encounter:
5% 1 Huge, 10% 1d3 Large, 25% 1 Large + 1d3 Medium, 50% 1d6+2 Medium, or 10% 2d4+1 Small.
Mud Elemental: HD 8, M, AC 15, ATK 2 (Slam, Muckball*) DAM 1d8/1d6, MV 20’/Swim 40’/BRW 20’, SAV F3,  MORALE 9.  *Thrown ball of muck and ooze. In addition to the damage, it coats the target in thick, squirming mud. Reduce their movement speed by 10ft. If a creatures movement is reduced to 0 by this attack, they begin to suffocate in the mud. Mud can be removed instantly with fire damage to dry it out or by scraping it off with a moderate STR save. **Mud elementals get +1 AC, +1 Attack, and +1 Damage against creatures standing in mud or swamp.
Small Mud Elemental: HD 4, S, AC 13, ATK 2 (Slam, Muckball*) DAM 1d6/1d4, MV 10’/Swim 20’/BRW 10’, SAV F1,  MORALE 8.

Large Mud Elemental: HD 12, L, AC 17, ATK 2 (Slam x2, Muckball x2*) DAM 1d10/1d8, MV 40’/Swim 80’/BRW 40’, SAV F5,  MORALE 10.

Huge Mud Elemental: HD 16, H, AC 19, ATK 2 (Slam x2, Muckball x2*) DAM 1d12/1d10, MV 80’/Swim 160’/BRW 80’, SAV F7,  MORALE 11. ***Mud Aura. 30ft around the Mud Elemental is turned muddy and wet in addition to being splattered with mud spraying off the elemental. It is considered difficult terrain and any creature starting their turn in the aura loses 10ft of movement speed as the Muckball attack.

Swamp Monster: Swamp grasses, mud, and moss covered logs coalesce in a large, squat humanoid shape. The headless torso splits to reveal a maw lined with algae covered, sharpened logs. With a roar the creature lurches forward to attack, thrashing with thick, muddy tentacles of swamp grass. If badly injured it will retreat, content to let its diseases weaken its prey before trying again.
Swamp Monster: HD 12-3, H, AC 15, ATK 3 (Whip x2, Bite), DAM 1d6*,2d6**, MV 30’/ Swim 60’/BRW 20’, SAV F6***, MORALE 10. Regeneration 10 when not on dry land. *20 ft. reach. Swamp muck: Target is covered in muck and grass, reducing movement by 20’ until a turn is spent removing the muck. **Fetid Fangs: Make an easy CON save or contract 1d3 diseases. ***Well insulated: Half damage from fire, electricity, and cold. Immune to poison.

Swarms: A large swarm of small creatures moves as a group to attack enemies. Swarms reduced to 0 hit points scatter as a number of harmless insects. *Swarms take only half damage from any weapon or targeted attacks but take double damage from area attacks. **Swarms deal their damage automatically to all creatures that start their turn in one of the eight contiguous 5ft spaces or cubes they occupy (16 spaces for H swarms).

Ant Swarm HD 10, L, AC 14*, ATK 1** (Bites), DAM 2d6, MV 10’, SAV F3, MORALE 10.

Centipede Swarm HD 12, L, AC 13*, ATK 1** (Bites), DAM 3d6, MV 20’, SAV F4, MORALE 8.

Nightshade Moth Swarm: A fluttering swarm of light purple moths leaves behind a trail of soft dust glinting in the moonlight. Nightshade larvae feed off of the deadly nightshade and their adult form produces a sleeping poison of its own. A single moth produces enough dust to poison small rodents, but in a swarm, they produce enough dust to fell much larger beasts. They lay their eggs in these carcasses, which are toxic enough to prevent predation on their eggs.
Nightshade Moth Swarm HD 4, L, AC 14*, ATK 1** (Dust), DAM 0 + Dust, MV 5’/Fly 20’, SAV F1, MORALE 6. Dust: 1d6 Poison damage then make a moderate CON save (DC 13) or fall asleep for 1d6 rounds.

Piranha Swarm: Trapped in lower ponds and bogs when flood waters recede, pirahna fish become incredibly voracious and vicious during the drier months after having been trapped in smaller ponds. Any living creature that sets foot in water with piranhas will attract their attention. Their bites start out doing 1d6 damage a round, but increase as more fish join in the frenzy, doubling each round until they reach the maximum of 10d6 damage per round. During dry months, it is best to test any water that isn’t still with small bits of food and avoid any swarms. During floods, it is best to avoid the water as much as possible.
Piranha Swarm: HD 5+5, H, AC 14*, ATK 1** (Frenzy), DAM 1d6, MV 0’/Swim 50’, SAV F3, MORALE 12. Frenzy damage doubles on each successive round of attack to a maximum of 10d6.

Snake Swarm: HD 6+1, H, AC 14*, ATK 1** (Bites), DAM 1d6 + Poison, MV 20’/Swim 10’, SAV F3, MORALE 12. Easy CON save (DC 12) or take ongoing 1d6 poison damage until a succesful save is made.

Spider Swarm HD 8, L, AC 15*, ATK 1** (Bites), DAM 1d6 + Poison, MV 20’, SAV F2, MORALE 9. Moderate CON save (DC 13) or take ongoing 1d6 poison damage until a save is made.

Wasp Swarm HD 6, L, AC 16*, ATK 1** (Stings), DAM 1d6 + Poison, MV 5’/Fly 30’, SAV F1, MORALE 12. Moderate CON save (DC 13) or take 2d6 poison damage.
Worm Swarm HD 12, H, AC 10*, ATK 1** (Bites), DAM 1d6, MV 5’/BRW 10’, SAV F3, MORALE 10.
